Ultra-lightweight vacuum-formed shapes made of high-temperature wool (HTIW) for application temperatures up to 1800°C.

High-temperature wool (HTIW) is synthetically produced from mineral raw materials. The group of HTIW includes

  • Alkaline Earth Silicate Wool (AES) for process temperatures up to 1200°C,
  • Alumino Silicate wool (ASW), also known as Refractory Ceramic Fibre (RCF), for process temperatures up to 1400°C and
  • Polycrystalline Alumina Wool (PCW) for process temperatures up to 1600°C,

Based on high-temperature insulation wool, which is also used as raw material, further ultra-lightweight products like blankets, modules and vacuum-formed shapes for process temperatures up to 1800°C are produced.

Products from HTIW are used, among others, in industrial, laboratory and dental furnaces, in special furnace construction and in special plant construction, as well as in analysis devices under oxidising or reducing process atmospheres.

The challenge for the industry: Economically efficient and effective use of high-temperature furnaces.

For companies where high-temperature processes are used, e.g. above 1250 °C, there are many challenges to economically efficient and technically effective use of their high-temperature furnaces. This includes, among others, ensuring process reliability, reducing operating costs and increasing productivity of each furnace.

The solution for the industry: Ultra-lightweight products of polycrystalline mullite/alumina wool (PCW) of SCHUPP® Ceramics.

Depending on the application, special ultra-lightweight products of high-temperature wool (HTIW), such as polycrystalline mullite/alumina wool (PCW) are a more beneficial solution as compared to traditional refractory products.

Vacuum-formed shapes of PCW are characterised by efficient insulation properties, high temperature resistance, chemical resistance and very good temperature shock resistance. Thanks to their accurate dimensions, installation of the shaped parts is also very simple and quick.

By commissioning of its own vacuum forming system, SCHUPP® Ceramics has produced PCW boards, tubes and other shaped parts since early 2018, which are sold under the name UltraBoard and UltraVac. UltraVac insulation materials can be used to deliver complete furnace linings ready for installation – e.g. for dental furnaces.

The insulation shapes can be machined in the dry state or consolidated by means of pre-firing at high temperature and then machined. The plant design permits processing of different bulk wools. Individually developed recipes may be included in the offer range in future.

The result: Reduction of operating costs, increase of productivity and contribution to process reliability through PCW products.

Use of PCW products permits reduction of operating costs in many areas. The material contributes to energy savings with its insulation properties.

PCW material has an outstanding, near-unlimited thermal shock resistance (TSR). Therefore, productivity of a high-temperature furnace can be further increased or improved by faster heating-up and cooling-down rates.

In particular in the critical deployment sites of a high-temperature process, where very specific requirements are posed to durability and downtime, PCW products can contribute essentially to process reliability.


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